problem 1

citizen = input("Are you a US citizen? (yes/no)")

#if yes, they need to be 18 or older 
if citizen == "yes":
    age = int(input("what is your age"))
    if age >= 18:
        #if they are 18 or older, they can vote
        print("you are eligible to vote!")
        #if not, they can't vote
        print("sorry, you are too young to vote. maybe wait a few years!")
    #if they are not a citizen, they also can't vote
    print("sorry, you are not eligible to vote")
you are eligible to vote!

problem 2

salary = (input("What is your salary?"))
years = int(input("How long have you worked for?"))

# Check if the employee is eligible fo bonus
if years > 5:
    bonus = 0.05 * salary
    print("yay! you're eligible for a bonus of $"{bonus})
    print("sorry, you're not eligible for a bonus.")
  Cell In[12], line 7
    print("yay! you're eligible for a bonus of $"{bonus})
SyntaxError: invalid syntax. Perhaps you forgot a comma?

problem 3

#user input
marks = float(input("What are your marks?"))

# all the grade rules
if marks < 25:
    grade = "F"
elif 25 <= marks < 45:
    grade = "E"
elif 45 <= marks < 50:
    grade = "D"
elif 50 <= marks < 60:
    grade = "C"
elif 60 <= marks < 80:
    grade = "B"
    grade = "A"

# Print the  grade
print("Your grade is a(n)", grade)

Your grade is a(n) A