overall reflection:

I think I did pretty well on the test overall. 53/66. There was definetley room for improvement, which I acknowledge. This test has shown me areas where I can focus on further enhancing my understanding and skills. I will use this experience as an opportunity to learn and grow. I’m determined to continue working hard and aim for better results in future assessments.

main areas to work on

  • analyzing psuedo code, and filling in the blanks for the missing code
  • prediction the outcome for psuedo code
  • comparing algorithms
  • robot code outcomes, and algorithms


In a 4-bit representation, you can create different combinations of on and off switches to stand for numbers. Here’s how it works:

When all the switches are off (0000), that represents the number 0. If you turn on the rightmost switch (the last one), it represents the number 1 (0001). If you turn on the next switch to the left (the second from the right), it represents the number 2 (0010). If you turn on the first and second switches (the last two on the right), it represents the number 3 (0011). You can continue this pattern, turning on different switches to represent different numbers. The highest number you can represent with 4 switches is 15, which is when all the switches are on (1111).

So, in a 4-bit representation, you can represent numbers from 0 to 15 using these switches. It’s like a little code that helps computers understand and work with numbers. When you want to add or do math with these numbers, you need to be careful not to go beyond 15, or it can cause a problem, which is called an “overflow error.”

The following statement best describes one of the benefits of using an iterative and incremental process of program development:

“It helps programmers identify errors as components are added to a working program.”

Iterative and incremental development involves building a program in small, manageable pieces and continually testing and refining the software as new components are added. This process allows for the early detection and correction of errors and issues, making it easier to maintain software quality throughout the development process. It also provides opportunities for feedback and adjustments, leading to a more robust and reliable final product.