☆ Unit 3 / Week 12 ☆

During this trimester, I learned a great deal. When I came into this class, I had little knowledge of github, some knowledge of HTML CSS, and python. I felt really lost during the first few weeks, because I wasnt sure what was going on. I didn’t understand the whole blog concept, and how we were going to document everything on this blog. It took me a little while to catch on, and install everything.

Later on into the weeks, as we did more hacks with things like calculator, and tables, I began to understand the class more. With my personal blog, I messed around with styles, colors and making my blog my own. I campe up with the style I have now

During Unit 3, in our passion project, I learned a lot about both frontend and backend coding. I have always been more comfortable with frontend, which is why I chose to be involved in it, so I’m planning on learning more about backend next trimester.

I feel like the style of this class is a little out of my comfort zone, in the aspect that it’s very self guided. We have the resources available to us, and we have to read through it, and learn on our own. The resources also only touch the surface, so if we want to go beyond that, we have to do some research on our own.

I’m exited to learn more about computer science next trimester!