Score: 55/67

I think I made improvments since last trimester. Last time I got a 52, and this time, I got a 55. I think this is because I spent more time on questions, and tried to figure them out on my own instead of turning to the internet to immediatley explain the question to me.


My strengths during this test were the questions with the loops, and booleans. I undertsand those concepts the most and it made it was easy fo me to analyze the otuput of the loop. Another thing that I was good at during the test were the topics from the team talks. I listened to all of the talks and did the homeworks for them. Since I understood those concepts, expecially my own, I was able to answer them without confusion.


Some things that I didn’t do as well during this test were the multiple option ones. For most of them , I chose one correct option, and one incorrect option. Because of this, I ended up missing the whole point. I also didn’t do well when there was an image with a lot of information on it. I kind of didn’t understand what the question was asking, and chose something from data that didn’t actually matter.


Q5 image.png

For the two gates, one says “OR” and the other says “AND” this makes a difference in the outputs, because the or gate would only be one of the two.

Q11 image.png

This question was a misclick. By creating the binary painter game, I was actually able to identify the color that would be the outupt because of the 8-bit rgb values shown. I also used my game as a tool to check my answer, and figure out the value and outputs of the colors.

Q23 image.png

The expression would be equivalent to a program that sets the value to true when weekday is true and miles is at least 20. The one shown in the flowchart requires both conditions to be true in order to set available to true, so that’s why I got it wrong.

Q44 Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 10 20 10 PM

Q51 Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 10 20 53 PM

Q56 Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 10 21 13 PM

Q62 Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 10 21 33 PM

Q64 Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 10 22 02 PM

Q65 Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 10 22 20 PM

Q66 Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 10 22 43 PM

Q67 Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 10 23 01 PM