Blog / article on team

  • reflection on glows/grows from your demo
    • I think our demo was pretty good, we were able to run throught the whole project without errors. We also were able to change up our presentation based off of who our viewer was. For example, if someone walked up and knew all the comuting terms, then we would show them a more in-depth tutorial of how we built the site, and even inspect the tab to show them how everything works. If someone had less of a computing background though, we would just go through our frontend site, and show them our features on a pretty basic level. Overall, I think I couldv’e improved my presentation by being a little more asserive and showing my feature in more depth. From surface level, the favorites feature looks pretty simple, but there was a lot of work that went into it that I could’ve displayed better.
  • from feedback, something you will add to individual CPT project
    • To my individual CPT project, I want to add CRUD operations to the favorites feature. For example, if a user doesn’t want the house in their favorites anymore, they can remove it, or they can clear the whole thing.
  • visuals or pics of team and people you talked

Blog on event

  • something you saw in CompSci that impressed
    • I was really impressed with the stock site, that Torrin built. I thought it was really detailed and informational. and I could tell a lot of work and thought was put into it. I also liked the volunteer opurtunity finder, that my old group worked on. I liked what they did with our idea, and it looks really cool.
  • something you saw outside of CompSci that you liked
    • I went to the photography classroom and saw really cool artworks. My favorite thing that I sae though was in the ceramics classroom. I really love ceramics, and I took the class last trimester. I know how much work and detail goes into this form of art, so I loved seeing all the creativity all around the classroom.