Individual Review

My key commits:

create favorites, fixed some errors

Team and Individual Planning

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More depth/detail Work

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CPT Requirements Implementation

Requirement Explanation
Instructions for input from the user User input occurs when the “add to favorites” button is clicked, triggering the addition of the house to the favorites database.
Use of at least one list (or other collection type) The collection used is the database of houses, specifically comprised of the user’s favorite picks. When the user adds a house, their option will show up on the SQLite database, demonstrating that the house is added into the user’s database. Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 10 58 42 PM
At least one procedure contributing to the program’s intended purpose A procedure is implemented to create the favorites page. Screenshot 1
Algorithm with sequencing, selection, and iteration The algorithm renders the favorites page upon each user addition, involving database recreation, demonstrating iteration. Screenshot 2
Calls to your student-developed procedure The function calls the renderFavorites procedure. Screenshot 3
Instructions for output The “add to favorites” button on the house details page redirects to the favorites page, displaying the output. Screenshot 4

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