Binary Arcade

  • Our binary arcade will consist of multiple educational binary games and a quiz that will help students learn more about binary!


  • Binary Puzzle Game
  • Binary Painter Game
  • Binary Memory Game
  • Binary Quiz
  • MORE (soon!)

Binary Puzzle Game (Sergi)

  • This is a javascript binary puzzle game
  • The game consists of two different puzzles displayed on one screen
  • The goal of the binary puzzle is to toggle the bits on the left to equal the number displayed on the right
  • The goal of the decimal puzzle is to click the question mark and use the number pad to input an integer (decimal) that equals the binary number displayed on the left
  • In case the user still doesn’t fully figure out how binary works there is an “Extra” link that leads the user to a helpful website that explains vital informatin about binary.
  • The goal of the game is to clear out the board (solve the puzzles) before they all stack. Once the user is running out of time the board with the puzzles will light up in different colors signaling that the game is about to end. If it does, a “game over” sign will be displayed.
  • Game can be paused any time when it is necessitated.
  • There are multiple levels in this game, each one harder than the other in addition to the amount of lines.
  • There is also a scoring system, 100 points per puzzle and an extra 250 for clearing the board.
  • The game tells the user the amount of lines left in the particular level. Once the lines are completed, the player will move on to the next level.
  • Player is able to end game when needed.
  • At the end of the day the game helps the player figure out how binary works and how it is closely related to math.

Binary Painter Game (Alisha)

  • This is a binary painter game
  • a blank canvas of pixels will be provided for the user, as well as a color selection bar.
  • The user will be able to click on the pixels and fill it with color. They will be able to manipulate each pixel’s color by toggling individual bits on the grid.
  • Purpose of the feature?
    • Users will use this game to enjoy making mini artworks, while also learning different functions of binary
    • Each color is represented by a binary code, and users can create intricate patterns and designs by combining different binary values.

Binary Memory Game (Anika)

  • This is a binary memory game
  • 16 blue carda are displayed.
  • The player is able to select two cards at a time, which will flip the card over revealing the other side.
  • If the two cards match, they will stay flipped, if not they will flip back to the orginal blue side.
  • The game ends when all of the cards are matched.
  • Using this the player is able to get familar with the binary logic terms, and build their knowledge about the combination of numbers.

Binary Quiz (Abdullah)

  • This is a quiz for the user to take.
  • It will include 15 questions about binary.
  • The student will have a chance to retake the quiz as much as they want.
  • The quiz has a sleek green theme.
  • The quiz should be taken after the arcade, to test and show the user’s knowledge about binary after using the previous acvtivities.
  • This quiz will have a nice feauture of showing the student their total score at the end, for example (11/15).
  • Students have the choice to take this quiz as many times as they want and whenever they want.
  • This quiz is also used for the user’s reflection on how much binary they learned through our arcade.
  • The quiz will have 15 multiple choice questions, each including 3 options.
  • Using this quiz, the user will not only reflect on their knowldge, they will also learn as their knowledge os put up to test.


  • Binary Puzzle Game has trouble fitting into the screen (cannot scroll)
  • Binary Painter Game needs to have a key for better understanding and fix the color issue
  • Memory game might need multiple levels
  • Having trouble adding the quiz (fixed)
  • Quiz theme not working (fixed)

Peer Grade:

  • The games are unique, and I like that they are all very binary oriented, however, while I think the Puzzle game is great, the other 2 could have more SASS integrated into them. The memory 1 could have more SASS but also a point system where each pair you get correct is 1 point and each wrong is -1 points. The painter game could add image templates as well. Overall, it is an incredible start, just needs a little more detail and finishing touches. .96/1.0